ESL Has Successfully Completed Projects

Since its inception in 1991, Environmental Solutions Limited (ESL)
has been conducting a wide range of environmental and risk assessments to assist Jamaican and international clients to meet environmental regulatory requirements. To complement these assessments, ESL has an ISO/IEC 17025:2008 Accredited Environmental and Analytical Services (EAS) Laboratory which also offers a wide range of analytical services. Our areas of work have included: housing developments, road, port, airport and water supply and electrical utility infrastructure; housing; resorts and attractions; and commercial enterprises. Below are a few of our more significant projects.
ESL Projects – Samples of Our Work
- Location: Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica
- Location: Old Harbour, St.Catherine, Jamaica
- Location: Llandovery, St. Ann, Jamaica
- Location: Black River – St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
- Location: Jamaica
- Location: Kingston – Jamaica
- Location: Kingston – Jamaica
- Location: Content Village, Clarendon – Jamaica
- Location: Jamaica
- Location: Nain, St. Elizabeth – Jamaica
- Location: Antigua and Barbuda
- Location: Antigua and Barbuda
- Location: St. Lucia
Year: 2019.
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems
Project Description –
This project brief has been prepared in support of the Environmental Permit (EP) applications being made by the owner of Sangster International Airport (SIA), the Airports Authority of Jamaica (AAJ), to the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) for the Runway Extension and Associated Works Project at SIA (the Project). The Project is part of the Airport Capital Improvement Plan for SIA proposed by the Airport’s Operator, MBJ Airports Limited (MBJ).
Year: 2019.
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited (ESL) was contracted by Whim Development Company Limited (WDCL) to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Whim Estates Housing Development in Old Harbour, St. Catherine. This document presents the EIA report prepared to support the permit application for the development as required by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) and was completed in accordance with NEPA’s TOR
Year: 2016 – 2017
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Ltd. (ESL) was contracted by the Karisma Hotel Group to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the ‘Sugar Cane Resort’ development at Llandovery, St Ann.
Year: 2015-2016
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems
Project Description –
The Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) provided funding to the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) to conduct a carrying capacity study of the Black River (BR) and its tributaries, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, an area of ecological importance.
Year: 2015
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited (ESL) was contracted in April 2016 by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) to undertake the revisions to the 2003 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
Year: 2015
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Management Systems (ESIA)
Project Description –
ESL was contracted by CMA CGM/ Terminal Link in March 2015 to conduct an ESIA for the upgrade of the port and the dredging of the Kingston Harbour Ship Channel. In order to accommodate larger container vessels, CMA CGM through its affiliated company Terminal Link proposes to increase the capacity of the port by increasing the capacity of the quays (at the berths) by allowing larger vessels, and to increase the capacity of the stacking yard through new equipment as well as operational changes in two phases.
Year: 2015 – 2016
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Sustainable Management
Project Description –
ESL was contracted by Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited in September 2015 to complete eight (8) Environmental Management Plans. These were required by the Environmental and Social Due Diligence Team to satisfy the environmental and social safeguard policies of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank.
Year: 2013 – 2014
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Sustainable Management
Project Description –
WRB proposes to undertake a 20MW photovoltaic project – the only one of its kind in Jamaica – which will see power generated being sold to the Jamaica Public Service electricity grid. ESL was contracted to provide environmental management services, in respect of the proposed 20 MW solar plant in Content Village, Clarendon.
Year: 2013
Practice Area: Food Safety
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited was contracted by the JEA to provide services for the capacity building of JEA Staff through training and development of training materials. The primary objective of the consultancy was to design, conduct and facilitate training programs for a target group of five (5) JEA staff members and one exporter company in the area of Food Safety and Hygiene and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Year: 2012 – Present
Practice Area: Pollution Prevention and Control
Project Description –
Alumina Partners of Jamaica (ALPART), now renamed RUSAL ALPART Jamaica, contracted Environmental Solutions Limited to undertake an ecological and waste characterization study of some former industrial waste lakes to determine the extent of contamination in soil, plants and water.
Year: 2014
Practice Area: Environmental Risk and Climate Change
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited was contracted to develop a National Adaptation Strategy to address Climate Change in the water sector in Antigua and Barbuda. The project was executed by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre through the Environment Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Health, Land and Environment (MAHLE) in Antigua and Barbuda as the focal point. The project was completed end of 2014.
Year: 2014
Practice Area: Environmental Risk and Climate Change
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited was contracted by the client to conduct a Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) in the South West Coast and Watershed Area in Antigua to determine the impacts of projected climate change on the water sector in the community. The project was executed by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) through the Environment Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Health, Land and Environment (MAHLE) in Antigua and Barbuda as the focal point. The project was completed end of 2014.
Year: 2014
Practice Area: Environmental Planning and Sustainable Management
Project Description –
Environmental Solutions Limited was contracted by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology (MSDEST) to review existing environmental related policies, plans and legislation and ongoing programmes and update the NEP/NEMS to create a results-focused strategy.