George Campbell, MSc.
For convenience we have compartmentalized the environment to study and try to understand
it. One day we will see more retrospectively and holistically, that all phenomena and the
disciplines we ascribe them are but expressions of that totality of the circumstances
surrounding our existence …our environment. This perception validates for me, my own
adopted motto and the importance, yet curiosity I bring to all I experience and learn. My
commitment to ESL, my colleagues, our clients, Jamaica and this world we all treasure, is to
continue learning understanding and imparting so that I become a contributor and facilitator in
the search for an achievable if elusive sustainability.
Currently my foci at Environmental Solutions Ltd. involves:
- Social and Economic Issues in the Environment
- Environmental Assessments
- Resource Assessment, Valuation and Risk
- Heritage and Cultural Protection
Over a long career in consulting I have undertaken studies in such diverse fields as agriculture,
economic development, housing and tourism, manufacturing and commerce, manpower
training and education, transport and telecommunications, as well as studies in the
environmental sciences across most sectors.
As an economist and an environmentalist I have provided several consultancies throughout the
Caribbean in several related fields. Projects worked on include those commissioned to the firm
or individually by the principal multilateral agencies, regional governments and development
institutions, private sector organizations, firms and individuals.
I am a founding partner at ESL and my current title is Consulting Principal and Director.